Thursday, July 30, 2009

The "case" of the vanishing MAIL boxes...and disappearing First Class Mail...

Since my hubby (or dh) is a retired mail carrier, and I am on very good terms with many of the remaining postal workers at our local USPS, I would like to join in on this exchange, for SURE!!

I haven't even read the terms yet! But it doesn't matter. I will do whatever it takes to participate! I love mail art, I think First Class Mail is the best bargain around, and Click-n-Ship is one of their best new services. I go online all the time and get my packages ready to go; easy, cheap, and all I have to do is drop them off, either on the dock or at the desk. PLUS my office is RIGHT NEXT DOOR to the Hornell Post Office so I can sneak over there any time, like when I know they won't be busy. So - no lines for me!!

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